

Treasure of Guangzhou this locality > information express delivery > Guangzhou lives > Guangzhou future will continue 3 years to build program of program of public transportation and special road ask to put forward Guangzhou future 3 years to will continue build program of program of public transportation and special road to ask to put forward to release time: 2014-04-03 11:20 share: [guide language] : 2014 – 2016, guangzhou wil纳尔顿国际水汇技师白云不正规沐足l continue to build public transportation and special line energetically. Be in at present on the base of public transportation and specia葵花宝典桑拿广州l line of 320 kilometers, build network of public transportation and special road again. In 嘉禾望岗地铁附近全套嘉禾望岗哪里有服务的the light of public transportation station at present the program of special path asks to had put forward, particular program has not given heat. Future continues 3 years to increase Guangzhou of public transportation and special path to will be in at present on the foundation of 320 kilometers, continue to add public transportation and special line. ” project of work out of executive program of construction of public transportation and special road ” invite public bidding begins since yesterday, involve arrived 2014 public transportation 2016 the program program of special path, price of invite public bidding 500 thousand yuan, should be in final positive result is formed before September 30 this year. According to special path the program offers program of establishment广州蒲友桑拿论坛广州蒲友论坛 2017 of form a complete set this second program limits is limits of Guangzhou city land with certain boundaries, the key is central the city zone (广州桑拿情盈通国际水会909号技师 海珠区盈通水会报站gzsnqbz) of area of more beautiful area, Li bay 芳村海之悦桑拿体验广州芳村洗浴按摩全套area, the M广州全套会所哪里最好广州会所全套价格行情ilky way, sea bead area, white cloud area, Huang Bu area, program fixed number of year: 2014-2016 year. Requirement science plans construction of public transportation and special road implements plan,广州海之洲消费客家王休闲会馆特服 satisfy requirement of public transportation passenger flow, effective promotion serves quality, raise a bus to run efficiency and road to use efficiency, alleviate urban traffic is embraced, contented city can expand demand continuously. The requirement in announcement, combinative city progress and public traffic give a feature, to planning year of convention is public transportation give a demand to undertake forecasting, offer basis; to forecast the foundation of public transportation passenger flow in science for demand of dimensions of network of line of public transportation and special line, according to the setting condition of public transportation and special path, network of public transportation and special road develop乐品汇可以摸技师吗广州乐品汇桑技师s town of the Guangzhou inside affirmatory program fixed number of year dimensions, join real case, science makes Guangzhou city; of p广州海曼岛国际水会广州海曼岛国际水会868rogram of program of p觅春阁论坛ublic transportation and special road plans according to public transportation and special path plan, combine harbour form the requirement of setting of establishment of form a complete set such as establishment of public transportation station, monitoring and condition, put forward establishment of form a complete set to implement plan. Ask demand of public transportation to Guangzhou city passenger flow undertakes forecasting at the same time, with public transportation and special path development dimensions is forecasted, can accurate, scientific contented future progress needs; put forward future 3 years (2014, 2015, 2016) program of program of public transportation and special road, have contented network already model, systematization, at the s天河哪家桑拿有全套广州天河区洗浴全套ame time the requirement has maneuverability, coach the construction of the public transportation and special path that广州天河水博岗顶水博会所怎么样 did not come 3 years is carri广州 海之洲 部长 电话ed out effectively